Archive for April, 2007

Today at, we are going to discuss my latest addiction… Wearing women’s shoes. Kidding. I’m kidding. Probably. Actually we are going to discuss Facebook some more. And by “we,” I obviously mean ME. I’ve already touched on how horrifically old Facebook made me feel a couple of weeks ago. There is absolutely no need […]

Have you ever wondered how I got to be this way? Did my mother take a buttload of hallucinogenic drugs while pregnant with me? Nope! Has she ever wanted to while having to deal with me over the years? Probably! But, what made me… well, ME? Lets look at some of the things I am […]

I woke up this morning with an idea for a blog post. I went through my morning routine, but by the time I got to my PC, the idea was gonzo. I’m sure it was brilliant though. Life-changing really. So, I’m just going to wing this. If I don’t blog for a few days, it […]

I spent the weekend hanging out with the ACN. And, as usual, we had a blast. She was very excited when she arrived and was wearing her “Star of the Week” necklace from school. But, with such power also comes responsibility. As the star, she got to take the class stuffed animal, a leopard named […]